
Click Here To View The Current Rates

Our residential, metered customers pay $47.72 per month (5/8″ X 3/4″ inch meter) to have potable water available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 day a year. That means there is always somebody working at the water utility, every day, no matter what.

The monthly service charge is a small price when you consider what it takes just to get water to you. North Beach Water has two well fields and a combined total of 11 wells. The utility operates and maintains these wells, treatment plant, and booster pump stations with electric motors. The utility pays about $40,000 per year just for the electricity to run the well field alone. This computes to $110.00 per day for electricity to pump, treat and convey water to customers. Other expenses include experienced and trained certified operators to operate the well fields, water treatment plant, to perform Department of Health required water testing, to repair and maintain water mains and customers services, vehicles, office staff, and professional consultants (legal, engineering, accounting).

In addition to operating costs the District carries debt. The District pays about $400,000 per year in loan payments. The District borrowed the money to purchase the water systems from the former owners and make needed improvements to the infrastructure. Most of those improvements were to intertie the systems and greatly improve fire flow capability.

Revenue from water sales (currently $5.02 per 100/cubic feet) totals around $450,000. Since water sales fluctuate based on the season and community activities,  North Beach Water District must set a fixed monthly service charge sufficient to meet our financial obligations. The monthly service charge is billed to all water services whether the service is for a full time permanent residence, a vacation home, RV/camping lot, or an undeveloped lot and is charged regardless of water usage.

The District is not in business to make a profit – we are here to provide you with continuously monitored, safe drinking water. Any excess revenue is put into a capital reserve fund for improvements to the system. We have many improvements that are needed. In preparing our current water system plan, the engineer identified 18 capital improvement projects (totaling $2,000,000), several of which are required by federal and state laws. Aging infrastructure will require addition investment costs. 1968 saw the installation of the first metered water service. Much of our pipeline is older than its projected lifespan. The District is planning for aging infrastructure replacement and plant improvements that will reduce or control operational costs and meet federal and state laws.

We are looking forward to the future needs of the utility and appreciate your support.