Category Archives: Events & Meetings

3-16-15 Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday March 16, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The board packet can be accessed by clicking the links below. 

Public Hearing Notice


Water Use Efficiency Document

2-23-15 Meeting Minutes

3-12-15 Meeting Minutes

Resolution 04-2015

Resolution 05-2015

Resolution 06-2015

District Expenses – Detail

District Expenses

Lynda Cangemi

Lien Report

Audit Report

2015 EPA Needs Assessment

General Manager’s Report

North Well-field Electrical Project

Tree Removal Project

Surfside Report

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3-12-15 Special Meeting

There will be a Special Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Thursday March 12, at 1:30 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The board packet can be accessed by clicking the link below. 


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2-23-15 Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday February 23, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The board packet can be accessed by clicking the links below.


1-26-15 Meeting Minutes

1-28-15 Meeting Minutes

2-12-15 Meeting Minutes

Resolution 02-2015

Resolution 02-2015 Report

Resolution 02-2015 Exhibit A

Resolution 03-2015

Resolution 03-2015 Report

Resolution 03-2015 Exhibit A

Budget To Date

District Expenses – Detail

District Expenses

Lien Report

General Manager’s Report

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2-12-15 Special Meeting

There will be a Special Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Thursday February 12, 2015 at 1:30 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The board packet can be accessed by clicking the links below.



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1-28-15 Special Meeting

There will be a Special Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday January 28, 2015 at 1:30 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The board packet can be accessed by clicking the links below.




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1-26-15 Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday January 26, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The board packet can be accessed by clicking the links below.


12-15-14 Minutes

12-22-14 Minutes

1-12-15 Minutes

Resolution 01-2015

Budget To Date

District Expenses

District Expenses Detail

Lien Report

Report On WASDOT Tree Mitigation

ERWOW Annual Conference

WASWD 2015 Legislative Agenda

DOE Water Rights Change

GM Report

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1-12-15 Special Meeting

There will be a Special Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday January 12, 2015 at 1:00 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The board packet can be accessed by clicking the links below. 



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12-22-14 Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday December 22, 2014 at 6:00 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The board packet can be accessed by clicking the links below. 


11-4-14 Meeting Minutes

11-17-14 Meeting Minutes

11-26-14 Meeting Minutes

12-11-14 Meeting Minutes

2015 Proposed Operating Budget

Resolution 28-2014

Cross Connection Control Program

Resolution 29-2014

Resolution 30-2014

Rules, Regulations, Rates Exhibit A

Resolution 31-2014

Resolution 31-2014 Exhibit A

Resolution 32-2014

Ricoh Lease Agreement

Budget To Date

District Expenses

District Expenses – Detail

November Lien Report

GM Report

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12-15-2014 Special Meeting

There will be a Special Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Thursday December 15, 2014 at 6:00 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The Board packet can be accessed by clicking the links below.



Cross Connection Control Plan

Cross Connection Slide Show

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12-11-2014 Special Meeting / Rate Hearing

There will be a Rate Hearing / Special Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Thursday December 11, 2014 at 6:00 pm in the District office at 25902 Vernon Ave. Suite D. The Board packet can be accessed by clicking the links below.


Rate Study

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