**Update 4-6-2016 #2**

Boil Water Update From The General Manager


**Update 4-6-2016 #1**

All customers are still under the boil water advisory until further notice.

The broken water main has been repaired as of late Monday night. Field Crews spent Tuesday disinfecting and flushing the system, because of this you might notice an odor of chlorine. All customers are still under the boil water advisory for any water that will or may be ingested for example: Drinking, cooking, tea or coffee, brushing teeth, or washing fruits, vegetables or any other food. We also advise all customers to boil their water prior to giving it to pets. to ensure the water is safe to drink, it should be brought to a rolling boil and allowed to boil for at least one minute. The water is safe to use for bathing, washing clothes, or washing dishes.

The District is hoping to be able to lift the advisory by Friday, however that will be dependent on the results from water samples at the laboratory.


North Beach Water District has experienced a water main break in close proximity to a potential source of contamination.  As a precaution, North Beach Water District is issuing a Boil Water Advisory for all of its customers until further notice.  As soon as the water main is repaired the distribution system will be flushed and disinfected.  The District will submit water samples to a certified laboratory to confirm the water is safe to drink.  The Department of Health will lift the Boil Water Advisory when the water is safe to drink. See Official Notice below.


Boil Water Advisory



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