We wanted you to know that North Beach Water District has a new online payment provider. Xpress Bill Pay is the premier local government and service district payment provider.

The District made the switch to provide you with many new and exciting features like full bill presentation, billing history, auto pay, payment wallet, paperless billing, enhanced email notifications, single logon with multiple accounts, and many more.

You will be directed to the new website when you select the “Pay My Bill” option on the left side of this website or you can access Xpress Bill Pay directly at

And best of all, Xpress Bill Pay has an app! Just visit the IOS app store to download it, the Android version is in the works.

You will need to visit the new site to establish an account. Your old account with our previous provider will no longer allow you to login after October of this year.

For even more information including how to sign up as well as answers to some Frequently Asked Questions, please click HERE.

If you had auto pay, or recurring payments setup with our previous provider, you will need to establish an new auto pay with Xpress Bill Pay.
We know you will love the new features. If you have any questions you can reach Xpress Bill Pay via email at or via telephone at 800-766-2350

We look forward to serving you!

Xpress Bill Pay Support

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