2016 Unidirectional Flushing

North Beach Water Annual Flushing Schedule

North Beach Water District will be conducting the annual flushing program over the next several weeks. Field Crews will begin flushing on December 1, 2015. In an effort to reduce the amount of low pressure or dirty water events, we will be flushing at night. If you see a hydrant flushing sign in your area we will be flushing in that area to remove mineral buildup in the lines. This will cause lowered pressure and some discoloration of the water. Even if we are not flushing near your area you still may experience lower pressure due to the increased velocities required to scour and lift sediments within the pipe. To minimize stained laundry, refrain from washing laundry during these times. If you find you have discolored water, run the cold water for a few minutes to clear the lines. If the dirty water persists please contact the office for assistance.

In addition, the District will be adding chlorine to the distribution system during the flushing program.  The chlorine is being added to help remove biofilm buildup in the water mains and disinfection during the flushing event.  The chlorine residuals may be detectable until December 31, 2015.

We will be flushing Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:00PM to 6:00AM. We expect the flushing program to last through December 18, 2015.

Robert Hunt

North Beach Water Field Superintendent


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