Category Archives: Uncategorized

3-16-20 Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday March 16th, 2020 at 4:00 pm in the District office at 2212 272nd Street.  The board packet will be posted as it comes available


2-24-20 Regular Meeting Minutes

Lien Report

Budget To Date

Financial Summary

Board Report – District Expenses

District Expenses – Detail Breakdown

Resolution 5-2020 – Refund Policy

GM Report

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2-24-20 Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday February 24th, 2020 at 9:00 am in the District office at 2212 272nd Street.  The board packet will be posted as it comes available


Order of Change – Meeting Time

1-27-20 Regular Meeting Minutes

Lien Report

Budget to Date

Financial Summary

Board Report – District Expenses

District Expenses – Detail Breakdown

Resolution 3-2020 – Approving a Per Diem for Lodging & Meals

Resolution 4-2020 – Accepting Bay Avenue Project as Complete

GM Report

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1-27-2020 Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday January 27th, 2020 at 4:00 pm in the District office at 2212 272nd Street.  The board packet will be posted as it comes available.


12-23-19 Regular Meeting Minutes

12-5-19 Special Meeting Minutes

Lien Report

Budget To Date

Financial Summary

Board Report – District Expenses

District Expenses – Detail Breakdown

Office of Drinking Water Chlorination Letter

Resolution 1-2020 – HRA/VEBA Plan

Reslolution 2-2020 – U Street Materials Bid Award

GM Report


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Adjouned Meeting


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12-5-19 Special Meeting

Special Meeting Notice

2020 – 2025 Rate Hearing 

Rate Revision Sheet

Rates Work Sheet

2020 Operating Budget

Draft 2020 Operations Budget

2020 New Budget Worksheet


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11-21-19 Special Meeting

There will be a Special Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Thursday November 21st, 2019 at 11:00 am in the District office at 2212 272nd Street.  The board packet will be posted as it comes available.

Special Meeting Notice

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12-23-19 Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday December 16th, 2019 at 4:00 pm in the District office at 2212 272nd Street.  The board packet will be posted as it comes available.


2020 – 2025 Rates Hearing

2020 Draft Budget Presentation

11-18-19 Regular Meeting Minutes

11-21-19 Special Meeting Minutes 

Lien Report

Budget To Date

Financial Summary

Board Report – District Expenses

District Expenses – Detail Breakdown

Resolution 18-2019 – Revising Rules Regulations

Resolution 19-2019 – Adopting 2020 Operations Budget

Resolution 20-2019 – Approving GM Employment Agreement

Resolution 21-2019 – Approving 4th Amendment to Employment Agreement

GM Report

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11-18-2019 Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Monday November 18th, 2019 at 4:00 pm in the District office at 2212 272nd Street.  The board packet will be posted as it comes available.


10-21-19 Meeting Minutes

Lien Report

Budget To Date

Financial Summary

Board Report – District Expenses

District Expenses – Detail Breakdown

2020 Operating Budget

2020 – 2025 Rates

Pay Scales Worksheet

Resolution 16-2019 – Amending Pay Scales

Resolution 17-2019 – Adopting 2020 Meeting Schedule

GM Report

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10-6-19 Special Meeting

Special Meeting Notice


Resolution 14-2019 – Approving a Job Description for the General Manager Position

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9-25-19 Special Meeting

There will be a Special Meeting of the North Beach Water District Board of Commissioners on Wednesday September 25th, 2019 at 9:00 am in the District office at 2212 272nd Street.  The board packet will be posted as it comes available.

Special Meeting Notice


Resolution 11-2019 – Approving an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Pacific County

Resolution 12-2019 – Approving a Job Order Agreement with Pacific County

Resolution 13-2019 – Awarding a Material & Supply Bid

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